It's been ten years since I've graduated college. I'm not feeling old per se, but I'm not quite the spring chicken I once was. SIDENOTE: Speaking of chicken, as I pre-Mother's Day treat, I ran out to McDonalds this morning so we could try their new Chik-fil-A rip-off chicken biscuits. They are surprisingly good. Sure, no Chik-fil-A, but since our closest one is half an hour away [the one at Tower Place Mall does not count] it is definitely worth tyring every once in awhile.
Had lunch yesterday with Dominic, who is graduating today from Cincinnati Christian University. Dom was at Eastern Kentucky University, studying to be a pilot, when we had lunch almost four years ago and he said he needed to study religion. I suggested my alma mater. So since he lost so many hours in his transfer, which vastly prolonged his college career, I figured the absolute least I could do was buy him lunch. And props to Jeremy Lawson, another great guy, who's graduating there today. He's getting married this summer and taking a preaching gig down in Kentucky.
Last night, I was at the school to attend the Seminary graduation [CCU's grad school] because my friend/old boss Alex was finally getting his MDiv. While there, I discovered that three people who used to be in my ministry [Dave Brack, Jonathan Bickle, and Beth Mowry] were also getting degrees. At least I used to be more educated than the kids in my ministries. I guess that's no longer the case. Give me another year and things will be back to normal.
So to those I mentioned, and those I forgot, congratulations on getting a piece of paper that signifies a considerable investment of time and money. I'm sure you're glad it's over.