I’ve been both a student and a teacher of the history and theology Restoration Movement. My pride of this heritage makes me passionate to help those new to our fellowship learn who we are and what we believe. I spent years developing materials that I intended to publish in a book. Instead, I arranged this content into a free curriculum entitled Movement Matters. In this study, you’ll discover why the restoration of the New Testament is critical to the future of the church.
Whether you’re pursuing independent study or participating in a small group, you can use the free audio and video resources to start your study. What’s more, you can gain access to detailed notes, application articles, discussion questions, and historical images too.
To download PDFs of over 100 pages of study notes and articles, simply submit your name and email in the box below. Links to zip files will be sent to your inbox.
The rest of the video and audio content is below. You can also find the lectures via your podcast provider (iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at steve@houseofcarr.com