Seeing Angels In The Outfield

There's not much to cheer for if you're a Reds fan. Ryan Freel's collision in the outfield yesterday with Norris Hopper is just insult to injury. But at least after Freel went all out, Norris made sure it wasn't in vain. It appeared that Freel made the catch but, apparently, he dropped the ball. As Hopper went over to check on Freel, he placed the dropped ball in Ryan's glove. Check the video with this ESPN box score and you can see Norris move the ball. Instead of an inside-the-park home run, it was an out. That lightning quick move helped secure a rare win for the Redlegs. All of which begs for the hyperbole: [Chuck] Norris Hopper is so fast he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.