Keep The Faith

We're still watching American Idol. I think it's almost like a school assignment: something I need to see all the way through. If we didn't have DVR, I'd never watch this crap. I say "this crap" because I still think this is a pretty rough line-up. You have Melinda, who has the pipes, but should be auditioning for a Broadway show. Jordin has another phenomenal voice, but she's hit and miss. Everyone else is lucky to be there. So why do I put myself through this torture? For little gems like tonight:

Bon Jovi songs.

So I go into the evening excited because I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan. I know, I lose a little street-cred for liking a ballad singing, big-hair band who know release country music but I can live with myself.  They rock. Everyone knows it.

True Story: when I was visiting my sister's family a few months ago, we were driving around in their car. Her kids wanted some tunes and she popped in Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits. I asked her if they liked his music and she stated that they loved it. I was skeptical until I heard the twins' four-year old voices belting out in unison, "Whoa, we're haf-way there! Whoa, livin' on 'ta prayer!" Classic.

Anyway, while I thought I would be excited about Bon Jovi night, I forgot that I'd have to endure the contestants singing his songs. Quick recap for you:

  1. Phil musters his inner Emilio Estevez to sing "Young Guns." It was bad karaoke.
  2. Jordin sings "Livin' On A Prayer." Still love her, but not lovin' her "Livin"
  3. That-one-chick-who'll-be-gone-tomorrow sang, "This Ain't A Love Song." She sang a decent Celine Dion version of it.
  4. Blake did a funky version of "You Give Love A Bad Name." Incredibly entertaining. Still nowhere near Jon Bon.
  5. That-one-dude-who'll-be-gone-tomorrow sang "Wanted Dead or Alive." My choice: dead.
  6. Melinda sang "Have A Nice Day." Anyone picking something from the "new album" is obviously oblivious.

So, again, another forty minutes of my life [thanks for shaving twenty minutes, DVR] that I cannot get back.

We can only hope that a performance by the man on tomorrow night's show will redeem this evening's display of torture.

But Jon Bon better bring Richie Sambora with him tomorrow. Not doing so would be more tragic than Sanjaya.