Where I Am

OK, I have a lot of pots on the fire right now, so I thought I'd let you in on what I'm doing. First, things with Echo are great. We've had visitors every week this year sans one. And the visitors are clicking with what we're about. It's been a huge blessing. I've loved teaching to our group; I've never had so much fun preaching. And our core folk have done an incredible job of reaching out to our guests. God is good; very good, indeed.

Second, I've been accepted into the Graduate Theology Program at Xavier University. While I already have a Masters Degree from Cincinnati Bible Seminary, I was thinking about going back to school. After exploring the options available, I believe this was a good choice. My reasoning:

a) I learn best in a classroom setting. And this will be an opportunity to be in an environment where instructors and classmates probably won't share my theological leanings. I'll be forced to examine my beliefs even more critically.

b) I can complete the degree in a reasonable amount of time. They'll transfer six hours of my previous grad work and, if I do a thesis, that's leaves only 18 classroom hours. I could conceivably finish by the end of 2008.

c) I'm eligible for an incredible financial aid package so I won't have to take out any loans to get the degree.

d) Campus is only a five minute drive from our house. My commute is nothing.

e) I can still root for UC during the Crosstown Shootout. I think. If I can't, I won't do it.

So it looks like I'll be going back to school starting in May. Pretty crazy. But where I pick up something new, something else has to go. Therefore . . .

I resigned from my position on the Mayor's Young Professional Kitchen Cabinet. While I enjoyed aspects of the committee, there were aspects that I didn't anticipate. The vast majority of representatives are single, and none are pastors, so they have a little more discretionary time to use. I have no doubt that they'll be able to replace me with someone soon.

Overall, I'm happy with the way things are going in my life: Hot wife. Precious daughter. Great church. Rockin' job. Don't get better than this . . .