February 12, 2006.
It was a Sunday night and I had just preached at our church. I called Kelly who was in her third week of hospitalization at Good Sam. She encouraged me to go out to eat with church folk. I said I preferred to pick up some food and come back to the hospital where I had spent every night with her. After a quick stop by Wendy's I was back in the same old room eating dinner with Kel. There was a new nurse on duty who had called the doctor to check on the baby's progress.
We both thought the nurse was overtly cautious and finished our french fries. The doctor, after checking Kelly out, said they were moving us over to the other birth wing. We didn't quite get it until he said, "the baby will be here in a little more than an hour."
It was finally time.
As they prepared Kelly for surgery, I was alone in a prep room with time to kill. I don't recall thinking much, just wondering what it would be like.
I had no idea . . .
. . . how awesome . . .
. . . it would be.
I smile constantly. I love having a little girl. It is very good.
I pray that that God continues to use Kaelyn make me and many others smile.
I know she will.
And thanks to my wife, who was amazing during those first few weeks. She's an incredible mommy. And Kaelyn knows it.
If you're interested in what I was thinking then, here's a go.