
Memo to Scott Duebber: sometimes I don't post 59 times a morning. With a two day absence, I'm a little disappointed you didn't call the authorities. Thanks for caring. Here's an update: It's been a weird week for me. Kelly had to be out Monday and Tuesday, so it was Kaelyn and me two days in a row. During that time I was fighting a lingering cold which kept me down all day Wednesday. Kaelyn's had the same thing so we've both been coughing and wheezing, trying to see who can get this most sympathy from Kelly. Today we both turned the corner and are feeling better. Or at least I think she is. She won't tell me.

I've been stressed out this week about the mass mailing we're going to do for Echo's relaunch. My representative at Outreach has been out of the office the past couple of weeks and it's been impossible to get any of their people to call me back. Plus, I found out that we had trouble with the bulk mail permit, so I've been on my cell three days straight trying to find a solution. I think I finally solved it this afternoon. Can't say for sure because NO ONE FROM OUTREACH WILL TAKE MY CALLS [no, not bitter]. But I think we're good to go.

Shout out to Markus, another Presbyterian I know. Had some good conversation about ministry this afternoon at Starbucks.

Teaser: hopefully, by the weekend, Echo's new website will be up. We had a company from Phoenix do a custom job for us and I think it looks awesome. Keep checking it out here.

Finally, one of the greatest moments in my life thus far has been Kaelyn recognizing who I am. Just recently, I've noticed that she looks at me, even if I'm not looking at her. Then when I look in her eyes, she starts to smile broadly, as if to say, "I know who you are, Daddy." Awesome. No matter how sick I feel, or how bad things about my week have been, I've got this little girl who's figuring out how much I love her.