Thoughts from my weekend:
- Got home early Friday afternoon as the snow kept people home. Kelly was able to work at home, so I brought home Chipotle and some videos from Blockbuster. Watched Fantastic Four [not so fantastic] and Mr and Mrs Smith [better than I thought it would be].
- Woke up at 4:30 Friday morning to pack 1,300 bagels for a marathon. Got paid extra for it, so it was worth the lost sleep. I made it back home by 7:00, but I couldn't get back to sleep.
- Went to see The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe at the Levee. I thought it was a great flick. I've read stuff by some hardcore Narnia fans that didn't think it was good enough, but it was rather enjoyable. I don't think they'll be able to do any sequels because none of the other six books is as good as the first. But money talks, so it'll happen.
- While at the Levee we saw Ryan Cabrera [a.k.a Ashlee Simpson's old boyfriend] there with KISS 107FM. Scott had some great thoughts about this guy's jettison to fame here on his blog. I cracked up that there were only like forty teeny-boppers there. Poor Ryan.
- Watched UK play horrible basketball against IU, followed by UC playing some great basketball against Vandy. At least one person in the Carr household was happy with their team on Saturday night.
- Preached out at Amelia this morning from Luke 2. I felt bad that it wasn't my best stuff, but when you preach out of the Bible, at least God's words are good. Plus I used four pictures from our Israel trip and, once again, justified the expense.
- Nervously watched the Bengals almost blow the game this afternoon, suffering through two phone calls from my old college roommate Aaron Levering, a Browns fan who thought this was his day. Sorry Aaron.
- Taught tonight at Echo [God Remembered from Genesis 8&9] and then went to Buffalo Wings afterward. I enjoyed our community's worship service but felt a certain worship-like experience in the music at BW's with music by U2, Van Morrison, and En Vogue. I need to do some karaoke soon.