Why Baseball Rocks

I know many of you don't have the patience to truly appreciate America's Pastime, but were in the midst of seeing why baseball is such an awesome sport. The American League has four teams vying for three postseason spots and there's the possibility [still praying] that the Yankees could miss the playoffs all together. I anticipate losing a lot of sleep during the next few weeks as they extend the start times to let the left coasters watch the games in primetime.

It's been tough to keep up with baseball since the Reds are so horrible this year, but I still love the game. Baseball is the perfect blend of one-on-one and team sports. No one person can win the championship for you [see Barry Bonds in the 2002 World Series] and having the highest payroll doesn't guarantee you a win.

Sure, they've gotta stop the players from juicing up and need to get Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame, but what sport is perfect?