Summing up

I'm sure I'll touch on this later in the weekend, but in case I don't get the chance . . .

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm wrapping up here at Mason. But this is my last official official office day. I'm ready to go: my office is packed up [I'm taking a load of books to the POD this afternoon], and all I really have to do today is my hospital calls. And I have a few thank you notes to write, but that's it. I can't believe that I won't be coming in here anymore. I had a peaceful walk from the UDF to church [the car will be done by Monday, praise God], so I'm prepared for it.

Speaking of my beverage run, I'll admit that it was a bit emotional going into UDF for the last time today. Ralph and Elaine have greeted me most mornings the past three years with some friendly chit-chat. Hopefully I brightened up their day a little as they always did mine. I'll miss going in there.

But thinking back of my time here, I'm amazed at how much I've learned. I feel like a completely different person than when I started. I'm not saying I've arrived, but I've matured immensely at CCM. The blessing of being at a church this size is that I've seen almost everything that you can deal with in ministry; it was like a ten-year experience wrapped up into three. I know that God brought us here to prepare us for our ministry to come. There's no way I was ready to start a new church a couple of years ago; now I'm chomping at the bit.

As I've said before, this is as settled as Kelly and I have ever been. I really thought that Mason would be the place where we spent the rest of our lives. But the task at hand is so great, it's hard to be sad for too long. I'm already getting fired up at the future.

The thing we'll miss the most is the wonderful people. If we could wrap some of them up and take them with us, we would [but I guess that would be like kidnapping, so we better not]. But it's not like we're moving to Nova Scotia; we'll see these people again. I just pray that God allows us to build a community with people like those we've had the opportunity to minister with here at CCM. Mason will always have a special place in our hearts.

And that's all I have to say about that.