The house goes global

A couple of blog news items for you this afternoon:

First, the Echo Church website is finally online. Brian Coates designed it for us and I'm really excited about the way it turned out. In addition to this, we started a blog for the church where Aaron and I will post all sorts of things from deep theological thoughts to stuff like this. You can check it out at

Second, how crazy is this? I was curious to see who's reading my blog. I get some free stats about who checks it out at a place called Sitemeter. There are over fifty different people a day who have been checking out the junk I write [God bless you, my children], and one of you is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I find this a bit unusual since I've never been there, nor do I think I know anybody from there.

So in an effort to maintain [and possibly increase] my Kuala Lumpurian readership, I posted a picture of the Petronas Towers below. These are the tallest buildings in the world. And yes, they're in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpurians are welcomed here.